Round table “Development of curricula and programs: monitoring of content of education in the Kyrgyz Republic”

Within December 12-19, 2015, Ecology Movement “BIOM” in partnership with K. Adenauer Foundation conducted a number of expert round tables in the Conference Hall of the Bishkek Financial and Economic Academy as a part of the Project “Promotion and monitoring of reforms in the field of education in the Kyrgyz Republic” to be implemented under …

Round table “Gender aspects of education in Kyrgyzstan: issues and prospects”

Within December 12-19, 2015, Ecology Movement “BIOM” in partnership with K. Adenauer Foundation conducted a number of expert round tables in the Conference Hall of the Bishkek Financial and Economic Academy as a part of the Project “Promotion and monitoring of reforms in the field of education in the Kyrgyz Republic” to be implemented under …

Round table “Promotion of culture of education in the Kyrgyz Republic education system”

Within December 12-19, 2015, Ecology Movement “BIOM” in partnership with K. Adenauer Foundation conducted a number of expert round tables in the Conference Hall of the Bishkek Financial and Economic Academy as a part of the Project “Promotion and monitoring of reforms in the field of education in the Kyrgyz Republic” to be implemented under …

Participants of the round table in Bishkek discussed issues on how to enhance roles of public organizations in the development of the education quality policy

Focus of attention of the entire society is currently drawn to the education quality issues. Therefore, one of the main tasks of reforms in the field of education is to develop a single concept of “education quality” for all educational process subjects and implement measures to achieve it. These issues were the focus of discussion …