The sustainable development model is defined in the “UN XXI agenda” as a system of harmonic relations in the triad “a human being – environment – economy” that implements a balanced socially oriented, cost-effective and aimed at nature protection development of the country in order to meet the needs of the current and future generations.
The sustainable development model itself suggests striving for a systematic, comprehensive and balanced development. Transition to sustainable development suggests to consider economic growth through the prism of human values, rational use of natural resources and improvement of the overall nature use culture.
The number of countries throughout the world that have adopted the sustainable development model as the basis is currently increasing. Commitment of the world community to this idea has been clearly indicated in the course of the International Summit RIO+20. Kyrgyzstan, as an equal member of the world community having taken an active position in the work of this Summit politically announced about joining this initiative.
In confirmation of its political direction to sustainable development, on 24 November 2012 the KyrgyzRepublic has set up the National Council for Sustainable Development under the President of the KyrgyzRepublic, which has already started its work through combining the efforts of all branches of the government, private sector and civil society to discuss future development of Kyrgyzstan. The Council aims to reach a consensus on the key aspects of the future sustainable development of the KyrgyzRepublic on the political “platform” at the highest level.
Creation of the National Council for Sustainable Development under the leadership of the head of state was a timely step that demonstrates the unity of both the country and peoples of Kyrgyzstan.
Today, for Kyrgyzstan, a country with a high level of poverty yet, especially in rural areas, and with limited natural resources, the sustainable development model seems to be a logically and politically sound choice. Moreover, the idea of sustainable development is, as never before, in line with the traditions, spirit and mentality of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan. This idea can play a crucial role in consolidation of the society, as today regardless of ethnicity or party affiliation, the peoples of Kyrgyzstan are unanimous in their aspiration to overcome difficulties and live in a country that has the “future” and sustainable positions in development.
On January 21 this year, following the results of the second meeting of the Council, the National Sustainable Development Strategy until 2017 was approved by the Decree of the President, which is based on the above principles of sustainability and is presented as a Five-Year Plan of Creation -2017.
In general, the adopted strategic document until 2017 is basically a framework document, where the President outlined strategic benchmarks of the new model of sustainable development and the main priorities, as well as initiated the launch of 76 major investment projects for this period.
Taking into account the fact that implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the KyrgyzRepublic until 2017 needs a real management tool for the nearest five years, the Government has decided to develop a Program and a specific five-year plan for the transition of the KyrgyzRepublic to sustainable development for the period 2013 – 2017.
This five-year period will be the first stage of transition to a new model of sustainable development for Kyrgyzstan. It is for the first time in the post-Soviet period that the Government of the KyrgyzRepublic adopted a substandard decision to revive five-year plans and develop specific Program and the five-year Plan for 2013 – 2017.
The objectives planned for this period will be accomplished through the annual plans of the Government. On the one hand, this will enable to make changes to the basic five-year Plan, and on the other hand – to maintain the long-term continuity for the promotion of priorities and achieving the benchmarks outlined in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the KyrgyzRepublic until 2017.
This five-year period (2013-2017) may become crucial in the context of fundamental changes in approaches to provision of high-quality services to the public by the state, as the absolute priority in the development of the country and regions is the priority of human development and human capital. The ultimate goal of sustainable development is a human being, every citizen of Kyrgyzstan, who has equal rights and opportunities for self-realization.
An interdepartmental working group was set up in accordance with the Resolution of the GKR of January 16, 2013 in order to develop programs and a five-year plan of the Government for the transition of the KyrgyzRepublic to sustainable development (2013-2017). The Ministry of Economy of the KyrgyzRepublic was assigned to coordinate the development of the draft document.
The draft Program was developed in broad national consultations about the future of the KyrgyzRepublic involving Jogorku Kenesh, the Office of the President and the Government, as well as heads of ministries, departments and committees. Extensive consultations were held for the northern and southern regions of the country, as well as with representatives of the businesses and non-governmental organizations.