The Project Representatives conducted introductory meeting with the Council’s members on April 2, 2015 as a part of regular meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Ten members of the Council attended the meeting, particularly Chairman of the Council and three deputies. During the meeting they discussed matters of participation of the Council’s members in the study of educational needs of the target group of the Project, which was planned as a part of the Project, discussed possible date for the first educational seminar for the Council’s members. Besides during the meeting they discussed a web-platform, matter of filling it with information and placement. Council members showed their interest in the project, noted its high importance within the framework of increasing the transparency of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The meeting resulted in introduction of clauses into the Minutes by members, which underlie the need for active participation of the Public Council’s members in the Project implementation as well as for establishment of two working groups that will deal with the upcoming seminar matters and participate in discussion of issues related to development and filling the web-platform.